

½ cup boneless codfish (soak for ½ hr.)
½ cup potatoes (cut into small squares)
½ lb. cabbage (chopped coarsely)
A piece of thyme
A pinch of black pepper
1 small onion (sliced)
2 small tomatoes (sliced)
1 small red pepper (sliced)
1 cup par-boiled rice
1 avocado (sliced for garnish-optional)
2 cups coconut milk

Soak codfish in cold water for ½ hour. Clean and wash vegetables. Drain codfish and pour hot water over it. Flake into small pieces then put with potatoes in a saucepan to steam for 10 minutes, adding just enough water to steam. Add the cabbage and steam on top for 10 minutes. Cook rice in another saucepan with coconut milk, and season with onion, tomatoes, red pepper, thyme and black pepper. Combine codfish and rice mixture and serve hot; garnish with slices of avocado (optional).